Git and GitHub

  • If you see the error message git is not detected on system path when creating a version-controlled R Project
    • Follow the trouble-shooting steps in Chapter 13 of the Happy Git and GitHub for the useR book
  • If you see the error message Another git process seems to be running in this repository when committing, pulling, or pushing
    • Close and reopen RStudio
    • Delete the index.lock file under the hidden .git folder, you can do this by
      • running rm -f path_to_project/.git/index.lock in the Terminal (or del -f path_to_project/.git/index.lock), OR
      • remove the file manually in Finder or File Explorer
  • If you are using a Windows machine and find that you are unable to stage a folder with RStudio (e.g. the site_libs folder when rendering a website), please following the following steps
    • Close and reopen RStudio
    • Reopen your R Project
    • Go to Terminal in RStudio
    • Run rm .git/index.lock (or del .git/index.lock) in Terminal
    • Run git add -A in Terminal
    • Refresh the Git tab in RStudio
    • Commit and push as you usually do.
    • Alternatively, you may try staging files using the GitHub Desktop program instead of RStudio.