Goals for today

  1. Practice data tidying with tidyr

  2. Continue to practice data visualization with ggplot2

  3. Continue to practice data transformation with dplyr

  4. Integrate 1), 2), and 3) to explore the whales dataset* and the babynames dataset

    * Borrowed from Iain Carmichael’s STOR 390 course.

General instructions

  • Today, we will combine the data transformation tools in dplyr, the data visualization tools in ggplot2, and the data tidying tools in tidyr to explore the patterns and trends in the whales dataset and the babynames dataset.

  • To start, first open a new RMarkdown file in your course repo, set the output format to github_document, save it in your lab folder as lab6.Rmd, and work in this RMarkdown file for the rest of this lab.

Exercise 1: Whale observation (40 min)

Tidy up the messy whales dataset.


  • Read in the data with the following code:

# Load required packages

# Read in the data
whales <- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nt246/NTRES-6100-data-science/main/datasets/whales.csv")
whales %>% head() %>% kable()
observer blue humpback southern_right sei fin killer_whale bowhead grey
1 1/20/15, death, , Indian NA NA 8/9/11, injury, , indian NA NA NA NA
2 NA 8/12/15, death, 50, atlantic NA NA 8/2/13, death, 76, arctic NA 6/24/13, injury, 30, artic NA
3 NA NA 7/14/13, injury, 47, pacific NA NA NA NA NA
4 NA 3/4/12, death, 56, pacific NA NA NA NA NA 5/24/16, death, , pacific
5 NA NA NA 6/14/12, injury, 52, indian NA NA NA NA
6 5/2/16, , 80, pacific NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

  • The whales dataset is a classic example of messy datasets. It was collected as follows: observers are asked for certain information about specific indicents they witnessed of ships striking whales and that information is compiled by whale type. The observers were asked to provide: type of whale, date of event (m/d/yr), outcome of event, approximate length of whale in feet, ocean in which event occurred.

  • Sometimes an observer could not provide all of that information, and missing data is represented as blanks between commas; look at the dataset to see. An observer can possibly give information about more than one event.

  • As a reminder, to get familar with this dataset, you might want to use functions like View(), dim(), colnames() , and ?.

  • We provide some possible solutions for each question, but we highly recommend that you don’t look at them unless you are really stuck.

Question 1. Create a new data frame that has one row per observer, per species and one single variable of all the information collected. Name this data frame whales_long.

One possible solution
click to expand
whales_long <- whales %>%
  pivot_longer(-1, names_to = "species", values_to = "info")
whales_long %>% head() %>% kable()
observer species info
1 blue 1/20/15, death, , Indian
1 humpback NA
1 southern_right NA
1 sei 8/9/11, injury, , indian
1 fin NA
1 killer_whale NA

Question 2. Starting from whales_long, create another data frame that includes only events for which there is information. Name this data frame whales_clean.

Hint: is.na() might be helpful.

One possible solution
click to expand
whales_clean <- whales_long %>%
whales_clean %>% head() %>% kable()
observer species info
1 blue 1/20/15, death, , Indian
1 sei 8/9/11, injury, , indian
2 humpback 8/12/15, death, 50, atlantic
2 fin 8/2/13, death, 76, arctic
2 bowhead 6/24/13, injury, 30, artic
3 southern_right 7/14/13, injury, 47, pacific

Question 3. Starting from whales_clean, create another data frame with one variable per type of information, one piece of information per cell. Some cells might be empty. Name this data frame whales_split.

Your new data frame should have six variables: observer, species, date, outcome, size, ocean.

One possible solution
click to expand
whales_split <- whales_clean %>%
  separate(info, c("date", "outcome", "size", "ocean"), ",")
whales_split %>% head() %>% kable()
observer species date outcome size ocean
1 blue 1/20/15 death Indian
1 sei 8/9/11 injury indian
2 humpback 8/12/15 death 50 atlantic
2 fin 8/2/13 death 76 arctic
2 bowhead 6/24/13 injury 30 artic
3 southern_right 7/14/13 injury 47 pacific

Question 4. Starting from whales_split, create another data frame in which all columns are parsed as instructed below. Name this data frame whales_parsed.

The columns should parsed to the following types
* observer: double
* species: character
* date: date
* outcome: character
* size: integer
* ocean: character

One possible solution
click to expand
whales_parsed <- whales_split %>%
    col_types = cols(
      date = col_date(format = "%m/%d/%y"),
      size = col_integer()
whales_parsed %>% head()
## # A tibble: 6 × 6
##   observer species        date       outcome  size ocean   
##      <dbl> <chr>          <date>     <chr>   <int> <chr>   
## 1        1 blue           2015-01-20 death      NA Indian  
## 2        1 sei            2011-08-09 injury     NA indian  
## 3        2 humpback       2015-08-12 death      50 atlantic
## 4        2 fin            2013-08-02 death      76 arctic  
## 5        2 bowhead        2013-06-24 injury     30 artic   
## 6        3 southern_right 2013-07-14 injury     47 pacific

Question 5. Using whales_parsed, print a summary table with: 1) number ship strikes by species, 2) average whale size by species, omitting NA values in the calculation.

One possible solution
click to expand
whales_parsed %>% 
  group_by(species) %>% 
  summarise(number_of_ship_strikes = n(), average_size = mean(size, na.rm = T))  %>%
species number_of_ship_strikes average_size
blue 5 67.50000
bowhead 5 43.75000
fin 4 78.50000
grey 7 36.83333
humpback 7 44.33333
killer_whale 2 15.00000
sei 5 54.75000
southern_right 7 47.00000

Question 6. Try to summarize as much information contained in whales_parsed as possible in one plot.

What are some challenges in this?

One possible solution
click to expand
whales_parsed %>%
  mutate(ocean = ifelse(ocean == "artic", "arctic", ocean)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=date, y = size, color=outcome)) +
  geom_point() +
## Warning: Removed 8 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

You can continue to work on Exercise 2 if you have finished before the break.

Recap (5 minutes)

Share your findings, challenges, and questions with the class.

Short break (10 min)

Exercise 2: Baby names (50 min)

Use data tidying, transformation, and visualization to answer the following questions about baby names:

top boy names top girl names


  • Load the required packages and read in the data with the following code:

# Load required packages
library(babynames) # install.packages("babynames")

babynames %>% head() %>% kable()
year sex name n prop
1880 F Mary 7065 0.0723836
1880 F Anna 2604 0.0266790
1880 F Emma 2003 0.0205215
1880 F Elizabeth 1939 0.0198658
1880 F Minnie 1746 0.0178884
1880 F Margaret 1578 0.0161672

  • The babynames dataset provides the number of children of each sex given each name from 1880 to 2017 in the US. All names with more than 5 uses are included. This dataset is provided by the US Social Security Administration.

  • As a reminder, to get familar with this dataset, you might want to use functions like View(), dim(), colnames() , and ?.

  • Make sure that you use figures and/or tables to support your answer.

  • We provide some possible solutions for each question, but we highly recommend that you don’t look at them unless you are really stuck.

Question 3. Continue to explore the babynames dataset.

Suggested activities:

  • Polish your plots in Exercise 2. Try to put more thought into editing the aesthetics of your figures and tables to make them easier to understand and nicer to look at (e.g. choose the most appropriate geometric object, aesthetic mapping, facetting, position adjustment; add meaningful axis labels, figure titles, legend titles; change the background; be creative; etc.).

  • Read the example code that we provided in Exercise 2. Make sure that you understand each line, and try to reproduce the output/computations on your own.

  • Think of other interesting questions you can answer with this dataset and explore different strategies for getting your answer.

Recap (10 minutes)

Share your findings, challenges, and questions with the class.