

Additional resources:


  • Guest lecture on Wednesday by Erika Mudrak from the Cornell Statistical Consultation Unit. She will talk about debugging strategies (she has to debug a lot of people’s code!) and about getting help with R. Don’t miss it!

Learning objectives

So far, we’ve only worked with data that were already formatted for effecient processing with tidyverse functions. In this session we’ll learn some tools to help get data into that format - make it tidy and more coder-friendly.

By the end of today’s class, you should be able to:

  • Read different types of data into R
  • Describe the concept of tidy data
  • Determine whether a dataset is in tidy format
  • Use tidyr::pivot_wider() and tidyr::pivot_longer() to reshape data frames
  • Use tidyr::unite() and tidyr::separate() to merge or separate information from different columns
  • Use janitor::clean_names() to make column headers more manageable


Todays lesson integrates material from multiple sources, including the excellent R for Excel users course by Julia Stewart Lowndes and Allison Horst and several other sources specified below.


Create a new R Markdown and attach packages

  • Open the R Project associated with your personal class GitHub repository.
  • PULL to make sure your project is up to date
  • Create a new RMarkdown file called my_tidying.Rmd
  • Remove all example code / text below the first code chunk and change the output format (in the YAML header) to “github_document”
  • Attach the packages we’ll use here (you will have to install janitor if you don’t already have it):
    • tidyverse
    • janitor

Knit and save your new .Rmd within the project folder.

# Attach packages
library(janitor)  ## install.packages("janitor")

Part 1: Data import

So far, we’ve been working with datasets that are built into R or we have just provided code to run to import data into R.

When working in the tidyverse, the most common import function we will use are the read_xx() functions from the tidyverse package readr.

  • read_csv() reads comma delimited files, read_csv2() reads semicolon separated files (common in countries where , is used as the decimal place), read_tsv() reads tab delimited files, and read_delim() reads in files with any delimiter.

  • read_fwf() reads fixed width files. You can specify fields either by their widths with fwf_widths() or their position with fwf_positions(). read_table() reads a common variation of fixed width files where columns are separated by white space.

We can also read directly from spreadsheet formats:

  • readxl::read_excel() reads directly from Excel spreadsheets

  • googlesheets::gs_read() from the package googlesheets reads in data directly from Google Sheets

For all of these, we can either read in data from a file path or directly from a URL.

So for example, for a dataset we will be working with later, I can either load my local copy or grab it from the github site where it is made available

lotr <- read_csv("../datasets/lotr_tidy.csv")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   Film = col_character(),
##   Race = col_character(),
##   Gender = col_character(),
##   Words = col_double()
## )
lotr <- read_csv("")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   Film = col_character(),
##   Race = col_character(),
##   Gender = col_character(),
##   Words = col_double()
## )

All the readr::read_xx() functions has many additional options including the ability to skip columns, skip rows, rename columns on import, trim whitespace, and much more. They all use the same syntax, so once you get familiar with one, you can easily apply your knowledge to all the other functions in readr.

You can examine the options by looking at the documentation, e.g ?read_csv(). There is also a very useful overview in Chapter 11 of Grolemund and Wickham’s R for Data Science

Part 2: Tidy data

“Tidy” might sound like a generic way to describe non-messy looking data, but it actually refers to a specific data structure.

A data set is tidy if:

  • Each column is a variable;
  • Each row is an observation;
  • Each cell is a value.

See: Ch. 12 in R for Data Science by Grolemund & Wickham).

An implication of this definition is that each value belongs to exactly one variable and one observation. This also means that tidy data is relative, as it depends on how you define your observational unit and variables.

A key idea here is that instead of building your analyses around whatever (likely weird) format your data are in, take deliberate steps to make your data tidy. When your data are tidy, you can use a growing assortment of powerful analytical and visualization tools instead of inventing home-grown ways to accommodate your data. This will save you time since you aren’t reinventing the wheel, and will make your work more clear and understandable to your collaborators (most importantly, Future You).

Note that to effectively use ggplot() your data must be in tidy format.

Let’s go through some examples to get a better understanding of what tidy data look like.

If I had one thing to tell biologists learning bioinformatics, it would be “write code for humans, write data for computers”. — Vince Buffalo (@vsbuffalo)

Pivoting between long and wide data formats

First, to exlore the powerful tidyr functions for reshaping data, we’ll walk through Chapter 12.3 Pivoting in Grolemund and Wickham’s “R for Data Science”.

Often, datasets will not in tidy format because they are organized to facilitate some use other than analysis. For example, data is often organized to make entry or reading by humans as easy as possible.

This means for most real analyses, you’ll need to do some tidying. The first step is always to figure out what the variables and observations are. Sometimes this is easy; other times you’ll need to consult with the people who originally generated the data. The second step is to resolve one of two common problems:

  • One variable might be spread across multiple columns.

  • One observation might be scattered across multiple rows.

Typically a dataset will only suffer from one of these problems; it’ll only suffer from both if you’re really unlucky! To fix these problems, you’ll need the two most important functions in tidyr: pivot_longer() and pivot_wider().

Now that you’re over in “R for Data Science”, you can continue on to also take a look at Chapter 12.4 on separate() and unite() - two simple functions for splitting and combining information from different columns.

Another example to further illustrate tidy and untidy data

To explore tidy data in a different context, let’s work through a tutorial developed by Jenny Bryan using data on the Lord of the Rings movies. This nicely illustrates the concepts of lengtening and widening datasets. It uses outdated functions for pivoting the dataframes, however, so we’ll work through updated code here (i.e. only look at the file, not the and

First let’s read the intro ( here

Then let’s work through reshaping the data.

1. Import untidy Lord of the Rings data

We bring the data into data frames or tibbles, one per film, and do some inspection.

fship <- read_csv("")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   Film = col_character(),
##   Race = col_character(),
##   Female = col_double(),
##   Male = col_double()
## )
ttow <- read_csv("")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   Film = col_character(),
##   Race = col_character(),
##   Female = col_double(),
##   Male = col_double()
## )
rking <- read_csv("")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   Film = col_character(),
##   Race = col_character(),
##   Female = col_double(),
##   Male = col_double()
## )

2. Collect untidy Lord of the Rings data into a single data frame

We now have one data frame per film, each with a common set of 4 variables. Step one in tidying this data is to glue them together into one data frame, stacking them up row wise. This is called row binding and we use dplyr::bind_rows().

lotr_untidy <- bind_rows(fship, ttow, rking)
## Classes 'spec_tbl_df', 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame': 9 obs. of  4 variables:
##  $ Film  : chr  "The Fellowship Of The Ring" "The Fellowship Of The Ring" "The Fellowship Of The Ring" "The Two Towers" ...
##  $ Race  : chr  "Elf" "Hobbit" "Man" "Elf" ...
##  $ Female: num  1229 14 0 331 0 ...
##  $ Male  : num  971 3644 1995 513 2463 ...
## # A tibble: 9 x 4
##   Film                       Race   Female  Male
##   <chr>                      <chr>   <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 The Fellowship Of The Ring Elf      1229   971
## 2 The Fellowship Of The Ring Hobbit     14  3644
## 3 The Fellowship Of The Ring Man         0  1995
## 4 The Two Towers             Elf       331   513
## 5 The Two Towers             Hobbit      0  2463
## 6 The Two Towers             Man       401  3589
## 7 The Return Of The King     Elf       183   510
## 8 The Return Of The King     Hobbit      2  2673
## 9 The Return Of The King     Man       268  2459

3. Tidy the untidy Lord of the Rings data

We are still violating one of the fundamental principles of tidy data. “Word count” is a fundamental variable in our dataset and it’s currently spread out over two variables, Female and Male. Conceptually, we need to gather up the word counts into a single variable and create a new variable, Gender, to track whether each count refers to females or males. We use the pivot_longer() function from the tidyr package to do this.

lotr_tidy <-
  pivot_longer(lotr_untidy, c(Male, Female), names_to = 'Gender', values_to = 'Words')

## # A tibble: 18 x 4
##    Film                       Race   Gender Words
##    <chr>                      <chr>  <chr>  <dbl>
##  1 The Fellowship Of The Ring Elf    Male     971
##  2 The Fellowship Of The Ring Elf    Female  1229
##  3 The Fellowship Of The Ring Hobbit Male    3644
##  4 The Fellowship Of The Ring Hobbit Female    14
##  5 The Fellowship Of The Ring Man    Male    1995
##  6 The Fellowship Of The Ring Man    Female     0
##  7 The Two Towers             Elf    Male     513
##  8 The Two Towers             Elf    Female   331
##  9 The Two Towers             Hobbit Male    2463
## 10 The Two Towers             Hobbit Female     0
## 11 The Two Towers             Man    Male    3589
## 12 The Two Towers             Man    Female   401
## 13 The Return Of The King     Elf    Male     510
## 14 The Return Of The King     Elf    Female   183
## 15 The Return Of The King     Hobbit Male    2673
## 16 The Return Of The King     Hobbit Female     2
## 17 The Return Of The King     Man    Male    2459
## 18 The Return Of The King     Man    Female   268

Tidy data… mission accomplished!

To explain our call to pivot_longer() above, let’s read it from right to left: we took the variables Female and Male and gathered their values into a single new variable Words. This forced the creation of a companion variable Gender, which tells whether a specific value of Words came from Female or Male. All other variables, such as Film, remain unchanged and are simply replicated as needed.

4. Write the tidy data to a delimited file

Now we write this multi-film, tidy dataset to file for use in various downstream scripts for further analysis and visualization.

write_csv(lotr_tidy, path = "../datasets/lotr_tidy.csv")

Your turn

  1. After tidying the data and completing your analysis, you may want to output a table that has each race in its own column. Let’s use the pivot_wider() function to make such a table and save it as “lotr_wide”

  2. OPTIONAL: Use the pivot_longer() function to transform you lotr_wide back to tidy format.


# let's get one variable per Race
lotr_tidy %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = Race, values_from = Words)
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
##   Film                       Gender   Elf Hobbit   Man
##   <chr>                      <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 The Fellowship Of The Ring Male     971   3644  1995
## 2 The Fellowship Of The Ring Female  1229     14     0
## 3 The Two Towers             Male     513   2463  3589
## 4 The Two Towers             Female   331      0   401
## 5 The Return Of The King     Male     510   2673  2459
## 6 The Return Of The King     Female   183      2   268
# let's get one variable per Gender
lotr_tidy %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = Gender, values_from = Words)
## # A tibble: 9 x 4
##   Film                       Race    Male Female
##   <chr>                      <chr>  <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1 The Fellowship Of The Ring Elf      971   1229
## 2 The Fellowship Of The Ring Hobbit  3644     14
## 3 The Fellowship Of The Ring Man     1995      0
## 4 The Two Towers             Elf      513    331
## 5 The Two Towers             Hobbit  2463      0
## 6 The Two Towers             Man     3589    401
## 7 The Return Of The King     Elf      510    183
## 8 The Return Of The King     Hobbit  2673      2
## 9 The Return Of The King     Man     2459    268
# let's get one variable per combo of Race and Gender
lotr_tidy %>% 
  unite(Race_Gender, Race, Gender) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = Race_Gender, values_from = Words)
## # A tibble: 3 x 7
##   Film         Elf_Male Elf_Female Hobbit_Male Hobbit_Female Man_Male Man_Female
##   <chr>           <dbl>      <dbl>       <dbl>         <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1 The Fellows…      971       1229        3644            14     1995          0
## 2 The Two Tow…      513        331        2463             0     3589        401
## 3 The Return …      510        183        2673             2     2459        268

More exercises on the LOTR data

The word count data is given in two untidy and gender-specific files available at these URLs:

Write an R script that reads them in and writes a single tidy data frame to file. Literally, reproduce the lotr_tidy data frame and the lotr_tidy.csv data file from above.

Write R code to compute the total number of words spoken by each race across the entire trilogy. Do it two ways:

  • Using film-specific or gender-specific, untidy data frames as the input data.
  • Using the lotr_tidy data frame (that we generated above) as input.

Reflect on the process of writing this code and on the code itself. Which is easier to write? Easier to read?

Write R code to compute the total number of words spoken in each film. Do this by copying and modifying your own code for totalling words by race. Which approach is easier to modify and repurpose – the one based on multiple, untidy data frames or the tidy data?

Applying this to our Coronavirus dataset

Let’s now return to our Coronavirus dataset. Let’s remind ourselves of it’s structure

coronavirus <- read_csv('', col_types = cols(province = col_character()))

## # A tibble: 233,436 x 7
##    date       province country       lat  long type      cases
##    <date>     <chr>    <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <chr>     <dbl>
##  1 2020-01-22 <NA>     Afghanistan  33.9  67.7 confirmed     0
##  2 2020-01-23 <NA>     Afghanistan  33.9  67.7 confirmed     0
##  3 2020-01-24 <NA>     Afghanistan  33.9  67.7 confirmed     0
##  4 2020-01-25 <NA>     Afghanistan  33.9  67.7 confirmed     0
##  5 2020-01-26 <NA>     Afghanistan  33.9  67.7 confirmed     0
##  6 2020-01-27 <NA>     Afghanistan  33.9  67.7 confirmed     0
##  7 2020-01-28 <NA>     Afghanistan  33.9  67.7 confirmed     0
##  8 2020-01-29 <NA>     Afghanistan  33.9  67.7 confirmed     0
##  9 2020-01-30 <NA>     Afghanistan  33.9  67.7 confirmed     0
## 10 2020-01-31 <NA>     Afghanistan  33.9  67.7 confirmed     0
## # … with 233,426 more rows

QUESTION: Is this in tidy format?

Last class, we visualized the global case counts date

coronavirus %>% 
  group_by(date, type) %>%
  summarize(cases = sum(cases)) %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_col(aes(x = date, y = cases, fill = type))

Let’s see how we would do that if the data had been in a wider format.

Your turn

Convert the coronavirus dataset to a wider format where the confirmed cases, deaths and recovered cases are shown in separate columns.

corona_wide <- coronavirus %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = type, values_from = cases)

Now how do we reproduce the barchart of total cases per day broken down by type?

And how would be plot the daily counts of different case types within a country? With the long format this is easy:

coronavirus %>% 
  filter(country == "US") %>% 
  ggplot() +
  geom_line(aes(x = date, y = cases, color = type))

How would we do this with the coronavirus_wide format? That would be much more difficult

As mentioned above, however, there are plot types where the wide format provides the best input. For example, in Slack, I showed the example of plotting the total death count per country against the total count of confirmed cases. It would be cumbersome to pull these out of the long format because in ggplot we are mapping variables to aesthetics and now we want to map different levels of a variable to different aesthetics. So let’s make those different levels separate variables by widening the data.

coronavirus_ttd <- coronavirus %>% 
  group_by(country, type) %>%
  summarize(total_cases = sum(cases)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = type, values_from = total_cases)

# Now we can plot this easily
ggplot(coronavirus_ttd) +
  geom_label(mapping = aes(x = confirmed, y = death, label = country))

This case highlights how the definition of what a variable and an observation is context-dependent so different formats of the same data can be considered tidy based on how we are thinking about the data and we may need to switch back and forth between long and wide formats to explore different levels of a dataset.

Part 3. Cleaning up column names

Using janitor::clean_names()

We’ve noticed in the coronavirus dataset that the variable names have a very inconsistent format. It’s not a problem per se for our ability to work with this dataframe, but it’s a bit annoying to look at.

## [1] "date"     "province" "country"  "lat"      "long"     "type"     "cases"

In other cases, spaces and special characters in column names of data you import can actually cause problems downstream, so we often may want to clean them up.

The janitor package by Sam Firke is a great collection of functions for some quick data cleaning, like:

  • janitor::clean_names(): update column headers to a case of your choosing
  • janitor::get_dupes(): see all rows that are duplicates within variables you choose
  • janitor::remove_empty(): remove empty rows and/or columns
  • janitor::adorn_*(): jazz up tables

Here, we’ll use janitor::clean_names() to convert all of our column headers in our coronavirus data to a more convenient case - the default is lower_snake_case, which means all spaces and symbols are replaced with an underscore (or a word describing the symbol), all characters are lowercase, and a few other nice adjustments.

For example, janitor::clean_names() would update these nightmare column names into much nicer forms:

  • My...RECENT-income! becomes my_recent_income
  • SAMPLE2.!test1 becomes sample2_test1
  • ThisIsTheName becomes this_is_the_name
  • 2015 becomes x2015

If we wanted to then use these columns (which we probably would, since we created them), we could clean the names to get them into more coder-friendly lower_snake_case with janitor::clean_names():

coronavirus <- coronavirus %>% 
## [1] "date"     "province" "country"  "lat"      "long"     "type"     "cases"

And there are other case options in clean_names(), like:

  • “snake” produces snake_case (the default)
  • “lower_camel” or “small_camel” produces lowerCamel
  • “upper_camel” or “big_camel” produces UpperCamel
  • “screaming_snake” or “all_caps” produces ALL_CAPS
  • “lower_upper” produces lowerUPPER
  • “upper_lower” produces UPPERlower

Art by Allison Horst. Check out more here